Photo Album

    This is the beginning of our company photo album. Just us loving what we do. More to come.

Jenn (The Lotus)

     Sometimes I get a feeling and just want to put it into words. Here is one example of when this happens to me. I hope you enjoy the poem and I hope it makes you feel like I did when I wrote it. May Jesus bless us all until we meet in our Fathers house. David Moore (The Koi)

"The River" by: David Edwin Moore Jr.   9/19/2023

 A River springs from the earth, gently through the sand.

Looking for the ocean, for the time is at hand. 

Obstacles block the path, mountains block the way.

The river turns to rapids and says not me, not today. 

The rapids cause the river, to pick up strength and speed.

Though it seems impossible, the river must indeed. 

I am like the river, searching for the bigger.

How joyous I will be, when the river meets the Sea.

There is a very thin line between:

  1. Love and hate (both cause an obsession)

  2. Prayers and spells (both are sent to your god)

  3. Prophetic and pathetic (both could change the lives of others)

  4. Truth and Lies (both are believed by the one speaking them)

  5. Light and dark (no matter which one you're in, you will despise the other)

  6. Up and down (depends on your viewing position)

  7. Reverence and revenge (both will turn you into a stalker)

  8. Selflessness and selfishness (both will cause you to sacrifice yourself)

  9. Humble and superior (both will make you rich)

  10. Weakness and strength (both will eventually become the other)

  11. First and last (depends on which way you're going)

  12. Visible and hidden (depends on what you're looking for)

  13. Beautiful and ugly (depends on what's important to you)

  14. Beginning and ending (depends on your desired destination)

  15. Give and steal (either way the recipient didn't earn it for themselves)

  16. Blessing and Curse (both come from the heart)

Thank you Jesus for guiding me, you open my eyes and give me strength.


I Know
By: David Moore 11/21/23
I know your work is righteous
I know your words are true
I know you eternally love us
I've known no one like you
You bore your cross with honor
Your glory is no mistake
For I will forever
Pray you my soul to take
You are the one and only
Who has the book of life
I pray that you get lonely
And write my name inside
I trust your final judgement
Your truth I will not hide
As long as you protect me
I'll go along for the ride


When the devil sends his minions.

By: David Edwin Moore Jr 11/24/23

When the devil sends his minions in

and tries to fill you with poison then,

trust in Jesus to witness men.

For he will go in the lions den

and nothing will be hidden therein.

He will save you from this sin,

all because of your love for them.

So if you truly believe in Him,

shout it out from the highest rim.

"Jesus saves" and be born again.

For nothing is impossible when,

you trust in Jesus from beginning to end.

I love you Jesus, Amen.